04/12 A composition in Red, Yellow, Blue and Black
Who?We could not do this project without Dutch abstract painter Piet Mondriaan. Cause... you know... He invented a style, inspired architects and designers, and his work is recognizable for almost anyone on the planet. Plus if we apply his teachings and quotes to...
03/12 Golden Tears
Who?The team got struck by this painting from Gustav Klimt. Oh. Hold up. This isn't a Klimt? No it is most certainly not. Though clearly inspired by Klimt it is in fact a painting by French artist Anne Marie Zilberman. We want to tell you a lot more about her but......
02/12 Lovers
Who?Magritte is a Belgian surrealist painter from the early 20th century. Lots of his work contains nude women and fish, which was likely caused by finding his mom dead in a river after she committed suicide. That'd likely make a surrealist out of all of us. Lovers 2...
01/12 Skrik
Wie? Skrik is een schilderij van de Noorse schilder Edvard Munch. Het is heel beroemd en wordt door bijna iedereen herkend. Een van de belangrijkste aantrekkingskrachten van dit schilderij is de tijdloze uitdrukking van angst die het bevat. Munch maakte verschillende...