Kinky Art Pop Up, Performance-Art & Educatie // zondag 12 juni 2022 // Radion, Amsterdam.

What is KAPPE NOU? 

The media is full of mistresses in latex outfits who beat up men in leather pants, always using the same whip. Many books have been written about rich handsome men with a trauma or two who would like to own a woman. Television shines a light on Sjaak and Annie who like to use their homemade red and black SM cellar on Sundays, and pick up their normal lives for the rest of the week… 

And you know? All those clichés that are presented to us exist and we are happy about that. But the wonderful world of alternative sexuality is so much bigger, so much more versatile and so beautiful. The taboos, stigmas and prejudices distort how wonderful it can be. 

And that's why there is KAPPE NOU (‘Knock if Off’ in Dutch). An exhibition for and by people from the BDSM and LGBTQ+ scene, real people, who tell you in their own language what kink is to them. Whatever language they speak; with a paintbrush, with clay, with words, with digital art… They show you how they experience sexuality, gender and sex. Without the cliches. Without the spotlight, without the dark cellars. 

KAPPE NOU is an exhibition where artists steal the show. Not only is there an exhibition, but you as a visitor are also given the opportunity to purchase their art. Artists do not pay a fee for the stand or payment per sale - all proceeds go to the artists themselves. 

And KAPPE NOU is much more than that. We have speakers, workshops, experiences. In addition to the artists, you can enjoy, be disgusted by, marvel at or be shocked by performance artists. You can float away at spoken word presentations. You can delve into the library. Meet people in the cafe. Separate yourself to be alone with your thoughts in the relaxation room. Make your voice heard on one of the biggest kinky podcasts. You can be yourself. Dress the way you want, be who you are and feel the way you feel. 

Kinky Art Pop-up, Performance art & Education. 

Come be free with us. We'll see you at KAPPE NOU. 

Buy your ticket here

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